Health Information
Medications at School
Students may not carry or use medication on campus without written consent. Students who need to take medication during school hours must have a statement to this effect on file at the school, signed by the prescribing physician and the parent/guardian. Self-administration of medications may be permissible by special arrangement with the school administrator and nurse.
The required forms are available from the school nurse or administrator. School health personnel do not prescribe or give advice regarding medication.
Student Health Insurance
LAUSD’s Children’s Health Access and Medi-Cal Program (CHAMP) can assist parents with free or low-cost health insurance programs. You can call the CHAMP Helpline at 1-866-742-2273 or visit their website at LAUSD CHAMP for more information.
New students will not be enrolled unless a written immunization record provided by a physician or the health department is presented at the time of enrollment and immunizations are up to date. There are new requirements for Hepatitis B and Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccines (MMR) immunization for new enrollees entering pre-school and kindergarten.
- Students who require additional vaccine doses or who lack a written record are no longer allowed a grace period. All students new to the District or transfer students within the District must show that they have received all currently required immunizations in order to be enrolled.
- The immunization status of all students will be reviewed periodically. Those students who do not meet the State guidelines must be excluded from school until the requirements are met. Students who have been exposed to a communicable disease for which they have not been immunized may be excluded from school at the discretion of the health department.
Tuberculosis Clearance
All new kindergarten students and all new first grade students who have never attended kindergarten must present a written report (usually on the immunization record) provided by the private physician or health department, giving the results of a Mantoux test for tuberculosis done within one year prior to school entry.
All other new students entering grades 1-5 who have never attended any school in California must present documentation of the results of a Mantoux test done at some previous time. Students entering at any grade level from any other California school (public, private, or parochial) are exempt from the requirement.
Physical Examinations
A comprehensive physical examination and health assessment consistent with Child Health and Disability Prevention (CHDP) guidelines is required for all first grade students within 18 months prior to entry or up to 3 months after admission to the first grade. A CHDP or equivalent examination may be done by a private physician, by a health department clinic, or, in some instances, by the District CHDP staff. A blood test to determine lead level is part of this examination. If help is needed in meeting the requirement for a CHDP examination, please contact your school nurse.
Physical examinations, as required, for Special Education programs may be done by licensed school physicians. If parents/guardians do not wish to have their child examined at school, they must file an annual written statement to that effect with the administrators.
Screening of vision and hearing will be done on first admission to school, and thereafter in accordance with State mandates. Parents/guardians will be notified of any conditions requiring further attention.
Communicable disease inspections will be conducted periodically. A student suspected of having a communicable disease will be excluded from school until guidelines for readmission are met.
An effort will be made to notify parents/guardians about school exposure to chickenpox. The parent/guardian of a student for whom chickenpox presents a particular hazard should contact the school nurse to facilitate notification. Students at risk include those with conditions affecting the immune system and those receiving certain drugs for the treatment of leukemia or organ transplants.
Students returning to school with sutures, casts, crutches, brace(s), or a wheelchair must have a physician’s written permission to attend school and must comply with any safety procedures required by the school administration and Health Services personnel.
Students returning to school following a serious or prolonged illness, injury, surgery, or other hospitalization must have written permission by the health care provider to attend school, including any recommendations regarding physical activity.
An excuse from a physical education class (less than 10 weeks) may be granted to a student who is unable to participate in a regular or modified curriculum for a temporary period of time due to illness or injury. A parent’s written request for an excuse will be accepted for up to 5 days; thereafter, a written request is needed from the student’s health care provider.
A current District Emergency Information card must be on file at the school so that parents/guardians can be notified promptly in case of accident or illness involving their child.
School health personnel are available for consultation.