After School
Beyond the Bell (Grades 2–5)
Our playground will be open most days after school from the final bell until 6:00 p.m. under the direction of the School Yard Supervisor (SYS) for the Beyond the Bell program. This is a permissive program and students are not to come and go freely.
We require that students follow all school and playground rules, listen to the Supervisor, and stay in designated areas or they will be warned, suspended, and then excluded from the program. Students are provided with a snack and must be picked up by 6:00 p.m.
Complete an application in the office and return to the SYS for approval.
Non-Affiliate Programs
San Pedro Boys and Girls Club (on-site, all grades)
The San Pedro Boys and Girls Club provides daily on-site supervision, homework help, snack, and enrichment activities for Park Western Place students until 6:00pm.
Information and registration will be available on the first day of school and is also available at the San Pedro Boys & Girls Club at 1200 S. Cabrillo Ave. Phone: 310-833-1322.
Peck Park Recreation Center (off-site)
Information and registration available at the Peck Park Recreation Center, 560 N. Western Ave. Phone: 310-548-7580.
Toberman Academy (off-site)
Daily after school program available until 7:00pm or on holiday breaks from 7:00am–7:00pm. Transportation, snack and meal, homework help, computer lab, and enrichment activities are included. Focused on character building and leadership.
Complete registration at the Toberman Neighborhood Center, 131 N. Grand Ave. Phone: 310-832-1145.
For an updated list of area child care options, come to the Main Office.