Parents & Students » Parent Center

Parent Center

Dr. Seuss week photosWe are excited to welcome you to Park Western Place Elementary School and Park Western Place Gifted/Highly Gifted/High Ability Math & Science Magnet. Parent engagement is a critical dimension of effective schooling and research shows that parent involvement improves student achievement. We welcome your participation at school and we urge you to join us as a volunteer. It is by working together that we can provide the highest quality education for our children.

There are many ways to become an active participant in our vibrant school community. We encourage you to attend our parent workshops, celebrations, and all parent conferences so that you are informed about your child's effort and achievement and well-equipped to support your child's success.

You may also join and volunteer with one of the following parent groups: English Language Advisory Council (ELAC), School Site Council (SSC), and Parent-Teacher Association (PTA). School volunteers must apply at the school and meet basic health and safety requirements to ensure the well-being of all students and staff.  


During the school year we will be presenting a number of classes for parents on subjects that range from reading and writing, LAUSD A-G requirements, to creating a good homework environment and nurturing creativity and independence. Other topics that may be covered at the workshops include CELDT Assessment Information, Developing Young Writers, Supporting Reading at Home, Common Core Mathematics, Gifted and Talented Students, School Report Card, and Technology.

Consider attending one of our parent education, Title 1, or Magnet workshops where you will learn different ways to help your child achieve academic excellence. Watch for information throughout the year. 

Classroom Visits

Parents and guardians are welcome to visit your child's classroom. You must check in at the main office, sign in, get authorization from the principal/designee, and get a Visitor's Pass before going to your child's room. It is District policy that you keep the frequency and duration of your visits reasonable. Visitations will not be approved if the time or nature of the visit conflicts with instruction or safety.

Do not talk to your child, any children, or the teacher while observing. Do not cause any interruption or disruption to the instructional program. Refrain from taking photographs or recordings. Please exit the classroom when requested by school personnel.

School Property, Textbooks, and Library Books

Parents are held financially responsible for damage to any school property caused by their children (for example: textbooks, library books, bathroom fixtures, doors, tables, etc.). Please discuss the importance of treating school property with care and respect.

All personal items, such as sweaters, coats, and jackets, lunch boxes, etc. should be labeled with the child's first and last name in permanent marker. Please do not allow your child to bring valuable items or large sums of money to school. Please encourage your child to visit the Lost and Found area located in the Multipurpose Room/Cafeteria during recess, lunch and after school for lost items. Unclaimed items will be donated to charity at the end of each reporting period.

Parent Groups & Leadership Councils

Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

The Parent Teacher Association is a vital part of our school. Check out the PTA page for details.

School Site Council (SSC)

The School Site Council is comprised of the principal, teachers, staff, and parents. SSC is the decision making council responsible for developing, monitoring, and evaluating the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), and developing budget aligned to categorical funds. SSC meetings are held once each month. Check the school calendar for dates/times.

English Learner Advisory Council (ELAC)

The English Learner Advisory Council (ELAC) is comprised of the principal and parents of English Language Learners. ELAC is responsible for advising the administration and school staff in evaluating the implementation of the District Master Plan for English Language Learners, planning, monitoring, evaluating, and modifying the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and budget.

Local School Leadership Council (LSLC)

The Local School Leadership Council (LSLC) is comprised of the principal, teachers, a classified staff member, and parents/ community members. LSLC is responsible for planning professional development, school calendar and events, and decisions about  of initial allocation of instructional material and magnet discretional budgets. The LSLC meets once each month.